CENTRAL RAILWAY ENGAGEMENT OF STENOGRAPERS (HINDI/ENGLISH) ON CONTRACT BASIS WALK-IN-INTERVIEWS No.HPB/706/R/BD/Steno/Contract-2012 Date : 23.06.2012 NO OF POSTS TO BE TILLED(INMUMBAI AREA)-51 (Reservation shall be applicable as per rules) Terms and Conditions for engagement are as under: __________________________________________________ I. Educational Qualificaton,Technical Qualification,Age & Mediacal standard: a) Educational Qualification : Matriclation passed plus knowledge and sped of shorthand in English/Hindi- 80 words per minute. (Candidates with higer educational Qualification can also apply). Candidates should e well conversant with latest Coputer applications e.g.MS WORD,MS EXCEL etc. b) Age: 18 years to 03 Years for OBC & 05 years for SC/ST. C) Medical standard: C-I II Speed Test : Short listed candidates shall be subjected to speed test as under : English steno- Dictation Duration-5 minutes Transcription time- 38 minutes on PC. Hindi Steno - Distation Duration- 5 minutes Transcription time-38 minutes on PC. III.The candidates engaged on contract basis will have no claim or right of appointment on regular basis and will not be a part of the cadre of Railway stenographers.The wil also not have right for his/her continuity in services or automatic extension of the term of contract. IV.The candidates should qualify in the prescribed medical examination. V. It wil be a full time contract.Such candidates shall be recruited on monthly remuneration basis @ Rs.9655/- per month (consolidated). The Candidates hall be initially engaged on contract basis up to 30.11.2012,which is likely to be extended further. VI.Working Hours : HQ's/Divisional office : 09.30 hrs.to 18.00hrs. (5 days a week) Worshops : 09.30 hrs.to 16.30hrs (6 days a week) (N.B.: In administrative exigencies may be required to work beyoud office hrs./called on holidays) VII.Termination of contract : By either side on 15 days notice. VIII.How to apply: The eligie candidates fulfilling the above conditions may report to the Assistant Personal Officer (Administration), Central Railway along with the duly filled in application form i the enclosed format,on the date,time and venue mentioned as under ___________________________________________________________________________ DATE Reporting Time Post Venue ___________________________________________________________________________ 07.07.2012 09.00 hrs.to 11.00hrs Stenographer Sr.Divisional Hindi/English Personne Officer's office,2nd floor, DRM Office,CST Mumbai-400001. ___________________________________________________________________________ Those who are interested to apply may also E-mail the duly filled in application form to e-mail ID [email protected] & [email protected] in advance. Note. 1. Candidates are advised ot bring all the relevant documents in original viz, SSC passed mark sheet, proof of date of Birth, Caste ceritficate. (for SC/ST/OBC candidateds),Shorthand and Typing sped certificate,if any, along with one set of the Xerox copies duly attested by a Gazete Officer. 2. If employed ,'No Objection certificate' from current employer. 3. The candidates will be subjected to interview and speed test which may also continue next day,if not completed on the assigned date. The candidate should,therefore,come prepared to stay on their own No accommodation and other facilities like TA/DA ets.shall be provided to the candidates. IX.Important Note: a) Candidates hould have requisite qualification on the date of interview. those who are appearing and/or awaiting results need not apply. Engagement on contract basis of the candidates will be subject to their being found suitable in order of merit by the Selection Committee.The candidates selected will be sent for Medical Examination as per rules. X. Decision: The decision of this office in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications,penelty for false information, selection,allotment of place of posting to the selected candidates will be final and binding on hte candidates, and no enquiryor correspondence will be entertained in this connection.Candidates,who submit false certificate /documents for securing eligibility,shall be liable for rejection of his/her candidature. For Chief Personnel Officer Headquarters office, Mumbai,CST _______________________________________________________________________________ cENTRAL RAILWAY,HEADQUARTERS OFFICE To, Affix your recent Dy.Chief Personal Officer (HQ) passport size Central Railway, pot duly Mumbai CST attested by Gaz, officer Application for stenographer (Hindi/English) on contract basis in response to Notification No.HPB/706/R/BD/Steno/Contract/2012. dtd.23/06/2012. 1) Name________________________________________________________________________ (Full name in Capital letter)(Surname)(Name)(Father/Husband) 2) Date of Birth:__/__/___Age as on __/__/__(Copy to be enclosed) DD MM YY (01.07.12)DD MM YY 3) Father's/Husband's Name:_____________________________________________________ 4) Religion : ______________________Nationality : ______________________________ 5) Correspondence Address : ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________Pin______________________________ 6) PERMANENT aDDRESS: __________________________________________________________ 7) cOMMUNITY : ___________________________(OBC/SC/ST)(copy to be enclosed) 8) Sex: (M/F)_____________________________ Marital Status ______________________ 9) Minimum Educational/Technical Qualification (Copy t be enclosed) ________________________________________________________________________________ Educational/Technical University/Board Year Subject Marks(%) & Division ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 9a) Additional Educational/Technical Qualification if any ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 9b) Experience ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 10) Marks of Identification :1._________________________2.______________________ 11) Whether employed : _________________________________ (Yes/No) (If yes,please attach coppy of NOC from the current employer) 12) List of enclosures 1._____________________ 2. ___________________________ 3._____________________ 4. ___________________________ 5._____________________ 6. ___________________________ Place : ________________ Date : ________________ _______________________ (signature of Candidate)
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Walk in at Central Railway for Stenographer (Hindi/ English)
Pulished by Gunja
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