Administrative Office, Dr, Y.S.R. Bhavan, Tirupati,
Andhra Pradesh - 517502
Applications in the prescribed format along with registration fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rs 500/- for SC & ST candidates) are invited from the eligibel candidates having requisite qualifications as on the date of this notification and Veterinary Council Registration (for Vetarinary faculty posts) in the respective faculities.
Advt.No.1/RC/2012 dated : 27.07.2012
Assistant Professors
Name of the Faculty Asst.Professor
Vety.Faculty 143(**)
Fishery Faculty 02
Agril.Sciences 07
(**) includes backlog & carry forward vacancies
Advt.No.1/RC/2012 dated: 27.07.2012
Associate Professors & Professors
Name of the Faculty Professors Assoc. Professor
Vety.Faculty 27 104(**)
Dairy Faculty 03 03(*)
Fishery Faculty -- 07 (*)
(**) includes backlog & carry forward vacancies
(*) includes backlog vacancies
For details of vacancies rule of reservation (as per Govt. of AP), qualifications and applicatio blanks log on to : The Advt.No.2/RC/2011, dated 28.07.2012 is treated as cancelled in so far as the posts notified under Faculty of Veterinary Science are concerned. Those who applied in response to the above notification need not apply afresh. However they can submit additional information if any. The applicants who have applied for the Asstt. Professor Posts in the Departments of VEPM & VPH but not possessing MVSc degree in these subjects need to apply afresh to the posts in the concerned departments in which they possess Master degree.The University reserves the right not to fill all or any of the vacancies
notified. The filled in applications form together with Registration Fee by way of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Comptroller, SVVU, Tirupati on any Nationalized Bank Payable at Tirupati (Cheques and cash are not accepted) should be submitted in person or sent by Registered Post so as to reach THE REGISTRAR, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Administrative Officer, Dr.Y.S.R.Bhavan, TIRPUATI-517502 on or before 21.08.2012 by 4.30 p.m.Applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected.The University is not responsible for postal delays.
Administrative Office, Dr, Y.S.R. Bhavan, Tirupati,
Andhra Pradesh - 517502
Applications in the prescribed format along with registration fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rs 500/- for SC & ST candidates) are invited from the eligibel candidates having requisite qualifications as on the date of this notification and Veterinary Council Registration (for Vetarinary faculty posts) in the respective faculities.
Advt.No.1/RC/2012 dated : 27.07.2012
Assistant Professors
Name of the Faculty Asst.Professor
Vety.Faculty 143(**)
Fishery Faculty 02
Agril.Sciences 07
(**) includes backlog & carry forward vacancies
Advt.No.1/RC/2012 dated: 27.07.2012
Associate Professors & Professors
Name of the Faculty Professors Assoc. Professor
Vety.Faculty 27 104(**)
Dairy Faculty 03 03(*)
Fishery Faculty -- 07 (*)
(**) includes backlog & carry forward vacancies
(*) includes backlog vacancies
For details of vacancies rule of reservation (as per Govt. of AP), qualifications and applicatio blanks log on to : The Advt.No.2/RC/2011, dated 28.07.2012 is treated as cancelled in so far as the posts notified under Faculty of Veterinary Science are concerned. Those who applied in response to the above notification need not apply afresh. However they can submit additional information if any. The applicants who have applied for the Asstt. Professor Posts in the Departments of VEPM & VPH but not possessing MVSc degree in these subjects need to apply afresh to the posts in the concerned departments in which they possess Master degree.The University reserves the right not to fill all or any of the vacancies
notified. The filled in applications form together with Registration Fee by way of crossed Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Comptroller, SVVU, Tirupati on any Nationalized Bank Payable at Tirupati (Cheques and cash are not accepted) should be submitted in person or sent by Registered Post so as to reach THE REGISTRAR, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Administrative Officer, Dr.Y.S.R.Bhavan, TIRPUATI-517502 on or before 21.08.2012 by 4.30 p.m.Applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected.The University is not responsible for postal delays.
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