
Dr B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra Faculty Recruitment Closing Date 10th

(Formerly : Agra University, Agra)
Application are invited hereby , for the following teaching/no teaching (Library cadre) vacant posts on prescribed format.The application format can be downloaded from University website qualified candidates having qualifications as per U.G.C guidelines for Professor/Reader/Lecturer and Astt.Dy/Librarian may send their duly-filled in application form along with fee of Rs. 500/- (five hundred only )(for unreserved and OBC) & Rs. 300/- (three hundred) for (SC/ST) category by Demand Draft in favour
of Finance Officer,Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra alongwith self addressed envelop (size11*4) with Rs, 25/- stamp should reach latest by 10-08-2010 to Registrar (RW) Dr B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra- 282004 by registered post, No application will be accepted after the last date, The previous advertisement issued by the University has been cancelled and, consequently, the category of posts has been revised in present notification. Therefore, the candidates who have applied against previous advertisement will have
to apply afresh alongwith requisite fee.
Sno. Subject                                            Post          Category
1. Social work                                     Professor-01    UR
2. Linguistics                                        Professor-01    UR
3. Socialogy                                        Professor-01    UR
4. Child Development (H.Sc)              Professor-01    UR
5. Extension Edu.(H.Sc)                      Professor-01    UR
6. Ambedkar Chair                              Professor-01 (Temporary) UR (In anticipation continuation order by U.P.Govt)
7. Sociology                                       Reader-02        OBC-1.UR-1
8. Mathematic                                     Reader-02        SC-1, UR - 1
9. Statistics                                         Reader-02        OBC-1.UR-1
10. Sanskrit                                       Reader-01        SC
11. Linguistics                                    Reader-01        OBC
12. Social Work                                Reader-01        UR
13. Library Science                            Reader-01        SC
14. Child Development (H.Sc)           Reader-01        OBC (Back log)
15. Food & Nutrition (H.Sc)              Reader-01        OBC
16. Gandhian Studies Centre             Reader-01        (Temporary) UR(In anticipation continuation order by U.P.Govt)
17. Lingusitics                                  Lecturer-05      SC-2, OBC-1, UR-1, (SC-1*Back Log)
18. Hindi                                         Lecturer-03      OBC-02, UR-1
19. Sanskrit                                     Lecturer-01       UR
20. Social Work                                Lecturer-03    OBC-02, (OBC-1 Back Log)
21. Statistics                                      Lecturer-01    SC
22. Sociology                                  Lecturer-01     OBC (Back Log)
23. Clothing & Textile (H.Sc)           Lecturer-01    SC
24. Food & Nutriton (H.Sc)              Lecturer-01    OBC
25. Sociology (H.Sc)                       Lecturer-01               OBC (Back Log)
26. Chemistry (H.Sc)                         Lecturer-01    OBC
27. Home Management (H.Sc)        Lecturer-01    SC (Back log)   
28. Ambedkar Chair                       Lecturer-01 Temporary SC (In anticipation continuation order by U.P.Govt)
29. Gandhian Studies                     Lecturer-01 Temporary Sc (Bank Log) (In anticipation continuation order by U.P.Govt)
30.Deputy Librarian                                01    UR
31. Asstt.Librarian                                 02    SC-1.UR-1
2. Qualification :-As per U.P University Act & Statutes of Dr,B.R.Ambedkar University,Agra (U.P)
3. Pay Scae:- As per State Govt.rules.
The University reserves the right to cancel selection or decrease or increase the above posts.
It is hereby notified that the earlier advertisement for the aforesaid posts issued in july 2009 stands cancelled & is superseded by this advertisement.
Note:- UR=Unreserved,Sc=Scheduled caste, OBC= Other Backward Class.
4.For detailed description please visit our University website
5. The Advertisement for Persons with Disability (Starred above)* is being issued separately

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